WHAT: Understand a range of ways to use technology responsibly
SMART Start:
Make a list of all the things that you can do to show that you can use technology responsibly.
Extra Mile:
What would happen if everyone was irresponsible when using technology?
Activity 1
Use the link below to look at 5 rules for using technology.
Activity 2
Pick one of the rules and explain why you think it would make you a responsible user of technology.
Activity 3
Watch these videos from the metropolitan police (if the videos don't load you could try clicking here: https://www.getsafeonline.org/metpolicevideos/
Activity 4
Create a small (credit card sized) information sheet that lists 10 internet safety rules. This should be printed and kept in your blazer, purse or wallet for future reference.
Find a copy of your school's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
Look at the rules you should follow.
Why do you think work places and schools have Acceptable Use Policies?
Could your school's AUP be improved?
HOMEWORK - Set your students a piece of homework to ask their parents / carers to visit this web page and view the video: https://www.internetmatters.org/advice/11-13/
Role play - A student is walking down the street looking at their phone; other students could be cars, thieves etc. Draw attention to the risks from this and highlight that this is not using technology responsibly.
Ask students to write an Acceptable Use Policy.
Watch the Star Wars Kid YouTube videos and use this as a discussion point. This could be extended into a debate about responsible use. This video and the story behind it can be quite upsetting. Read the article here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/films/2016/05/04/whatever-happened-to-star-wars-kid-the-true-story-behind-one-of/