WHAT: Use basic presentation skills effectively
Download this basic presentation for a Ticket Sales Report.
If you do not own Microsoft Office then you could use a Google Drive account and complete these activities in Google Slides.

Follow these instructions to complete the presentation:
1. Change the layout of Slide 1 to a Title Slide
2. On Slide 2, format the list of ticket types as a bulleted list
3. On Slide 3, format the Top 3 list to a numbered list
4. On Slide 1, insert a suitable clip-art image
5. On Slide 1, add the sub-title "First Quarter 2017"
6. Apply a suitable slide transition to all slides
7. Apply a suitable animation to each item of the numbered list on Slide 3
8. Change the order of the animations created in step 7 so that it appears in reverse order
9. On slide 3, draw an Up Block Arrow next to the numbered list
10. Type the word "draft" in the notes section of Slide 1
11. Create a new Title and Content slide between slides 1 and 2
12. Add the title "2016 Forecasts"
13. Save the file as a PowerPoint Show with the name "First Quarter 2017"
Use this video to help you.
Presentations should be very clear, concise and consistent.
Your audience should be able to read the text that you have placed on each slide. You should use simple fonts instead of fancy fonts that can distract the reader. All text must be visible and not covered by images or charts.
Only include a summary of the information required on each slide. The slides should show lists, images, charts and diagrams. The slide should not be full of a big block of text. When you carry out a presentation to an audience you should know your material. A good presenter will use lists as a guide for their talk instead of simply reading from the screen.
The whole slideshow should have a corporate feel to it. Each slide in the show should have the same:
- Font Styles
- Font Sizes (Headings / Text)
- Colours (Headings / Text)
- Transitions
- Animations
- Backgrounds
Choose a topic from the list below and create a simple presentation on it. Make sure that you include: Slide Transitions, Animations, Bullet Lists, Number Lists, Images, Clip-arts, Correct Slide Layouts and save the final product as a PowerPoint Show.
- Converting from Binary to Decimal
- Using loops in Python
- The CPU
- Network Topologies
- Responsible Use of Social Media
The key part of this outcome is making sure that students can actually use the basics of presentation software effectively.
Students could get feedback from their peers if they have attempted the Embed activity. This would help to check if their slideshows are effective.