WHAT: Work with input and output
Activity 1 - READ
Input is when data is sent into a computer system.
Output is when information is produced from a computer system.
When you use a computer you are using input and output all of the time.
Inputs and outputs can be electronic devices that work with a computer system.
Example input devices are:
- Mice
- Keyboards
- Microphones
- Scanner
- Touchpad
Example output devices are:
- Monitor
- Projector
- Printer
- Speaker
Inputs and outputs can ALSO be software related.
Example inputs are:
- Search criteria
- Text files
- Data entry
Example outputs are:
- Reports
- Search results
- Game play reactions
Hardware and Software work together to make up a Computer System.
Activity 2
List all of the inputs that you might use when using the Internet.
Activity 3
List all of the outputs that you might see or hear when using the Internet.
- Find out what "The Internet of Things" is.
- Draw a picture that represents the Internet of things. You could get ideas from here: Google Image Search
- Justify your final design through explanations.
This outcome needs to ensure that students understand the concept of input and output and how these relate to computer systems.
You could link the embed task with the Art Department in your school to see if they could work on this as a one-off art lesson. Another idea would be to get students to contribute to a classroom display where they all draw parts of the image to form a whole display.