WHAT: Follow an algorithm
Activity 1
Towers of Hanoi - Download and print this sheet and follow the instructions carefully.
You can watch this video to give you an idea of how to complete the activity.
If you were able to make the Tower of Hanoi challenge by following the instructions then, well done! You just followed an algorithm.
When you were trying to solve the problem, you would have developed an algorithm without even noticing. The steps taken on the YouTube video show an efficient way of solving the problem because it is solved in the least amount of steps.
Activity 2
Algorithms can be shown as clear and concise instructions OR you may see an algorithm represented using a flowchart. Below is an example of a flowchart:
You can follow a flowchart by starting at the beginning and then following the lines to the boxes and diamond shapes. We use diamond shapes to show a decision that needs to be made. If the temperature is more than 25 then it will turn the fan on. If the temperature is less than 25 then it will turn the fan off.
What will happen when this algorithm is implemented?
Activity 3
Have you ever followed a YouTube tutorial? What do you think a You Tuber does before they make a video? Write down your thoughts.
Design the script for a YouTube tutorial on a theme of your choosing. Test the script out on a partner to see if they can follow it. Do your instructions make sense? Can you make them better?
Can your students follow instructions? A nice activity for a class is to give instructions for a dance, e.g. the Macarena. A good video for this is below: