WHAT: Understand a range of ways to use technology safely and securely
SMART Start:
Write down three examples of secure passwords (don't use your own password!)
Extra Mile:
How do criminals crack other people's passwords?
Using Technology Securely
Activity 1
A Password is a secret word or phrase that must be used to gain access to something that needs to be kept secure.
"if you don't know the password you can't come in"
Make a list of things that you would need to protect with a Password? (They do not have to be computer related)
Activity 2
Read the information on the following webpages:
Activity 3
Make a copy of this worksheet to test your password knowledge:
Activity 4
Email is short for 'electronic mail'. Similar to a letter, an email is sent via the internet to another email address. A person can view the messages sent to their email address from any computer that has internet access.
An email attachment is a computer file sent along with an email message. One or more files can be attached to any email message, and be sent along with it to the recipient.
Read the information on the following webpages to find out more about email and email attachments.
- https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/e/email.htm
- http://frndzzz.com/email-attachments-advantages-and-disadvantages
Activity 5
Download and complete this worksheet to test your email knowledge:
Activity 6
One of the main concerns with emails and email attachments is their ability to be used to spread computer viruses. Watch the following videos to learn about computer viruses.
Activity 7
Read the information on the following webpages to learn more about computer viruses.
Activity 8
Use the information you have discovered about computer viruses and suitable images from the internet to create a presentation. You must use the template provided below:
Using Technology Safely (Health and Safety, Time limits for social media )
If you wanted to find information about a famous person, you would probably search for their name online. You may also do the same for a person not in the public eye. As you go through your life you will also build up an online presence. Some of the information stored online about you will be put there by companies and organisation that you have no control over. Some of it is put there by you and your circle of friends (or enemies). If you searched for your own name online, would the search results reveal anything about you? We all have a growing presence online whether we like it or not. People will make judgments about us based on what they see or read about us online.
Activity 9
Look at the follow images and think of one word to describe the character of person/people in them.
Here’s an interesting fact. Did you know that one of the first things employers do after looking at your CV is check your online presence? Would you want an employer, college or university looking at your social media profiles or youtube channels? But what if you aren’t online? Then you have nothing to worry about, right? Wrong. Some employers will not even interview candidates if they cannot find them online. It is never too late or too early to start building an online presence to make yourself standout in a positive way.
Activity 10
Think about what the following things may say about your character:
- Usernames (e.g. sexygirl98)
- Personal email addresses (e.g. badboyg_star@hotmail.com)
- Images
- Status Updates/Posts
- People you are associated with (Friends/Buddies)
- Things you have liked
- Searches you have made
- Websites you have viewed
Create a social media profile that shows you in a positive way. You must make a copy of the template provided below:
This is a good time to set a homework for the students related to social media. If they have any social media accounts then they should check their privacy settings to make sure that only friends can see their information. They should also update their account passwords for more secure ones. A tip for a secure password is to use three random words and a number.