
WHAT: Evaluate the design and usability of digital artefacts


Activity 1 - READ

This outcome has three key words: Evaluate, Design and Usability.

Evaluate - make a judgement and give reasons

Design - how something looks

Usability - how something works

Digital artefacts must be designed well and work effectively.

We call this the User Experience vs Design. We need to get both right in order to develop the best products. If we don't think about the user and the experience that they will have whilst using our products then the design will not work.

Design may help to sell a product but user experience will keep your customers coming back for more.

Image source unknown. Copyright unknown.

Activity 2

Read through this website and watch the video:

Activity 3

Write down a description of the worst user experience you have had. This could be in the real world or the digital world.

Now write down the best user experience you have had.

What made the worst one bad?

What made the best one good?



Go through the digital artefacts that you have made in Computing and pick one to evaluate. Look at the artefact with fresh eyes. Think about the user experience:

  • Is it good or bad?
  • How do you know?
  • What could you do to improve the experience?

Find out about product design and unconscious bias by watching the video below:


Show the students the school website on the IWB. As a student, does it give them a good user experience? Discuss this with the class and gain feedback for improvements.