WHAT: Analyse effective formulas and functions for a given scenario
Activity 1 - READ
Below is a document showing a list of the most common formulas and functions with their purpose. Read it through carefully.
Activity 2
Spreadsheets should be used to make calculations and data analysis more efficient.
Some rules to abide by:
- Formulas should always use CELL REFERENCES (e.g. A2) instead of values
- Cells should always have the correct format (e.g. currency, percentage, text)
- Data should always be entered as a single unit (e.g. Forename, Surname & Title should be in separate cells)
- Charts should be clear and all labels and heading should be visible
- Where possible, conditional formatting should be used to make data easier to analyse
These rules have been followed for the spreadsheet below. Take a look at the formulas that have been used and the design of the layout.
Activity 3
Everything on the spreadsheet above updates automatically. For example, as members get older, their category will change automatically. Try changing the date of birth for one of the customers and see what happens.
Activity 4
Watch the video below for a tour of this spreadsheet to see how it works.
In your spreadsheet guide, create a section about effective formulas and functions. This should state the rules that should be followed and give some examples.
Students will need some time to practice the different formulas in the tutorials. It may be best to let students work through these tutorials independently.