
WHAT: Know how to report online concerns


Think, Pair, Share

What kind of online concerns should you report? Develop some examples.

Extra Mile:

Compare online concerns with real world concerns. How are they different?


Activity 1

Child Exploitation Online Protection Centre (CEOP) provides lots of Online Safety advice for different age groups. Use the site link to read about CEOP and make notes about how to make online reports.

Activity 2

The UK Safer Internet Centre is an organisation that raises the profile of online safety issues. Name at least one initiative they have started which supports the learning of young people and makes the internet a safer place.

While investigating, compare the advice given on this website about when and how to report abuse to the notes you made in Activity 1.

Activity 3

Watch the video.

Create a poster that advises a young person how to and when to report any concerns they have with online activity.



Develop an idea for an APP that could report offensive websites instantly


Students to create scenarios in which others must decide if they require reporting or not.

Rank order reporting scenarios and link to the appropriate reporting method. e.g. an online bulling incident should be reported to a trusted adult.