WHAT: Understand, explain and use decomposition, abstraction and algorithms
What does abstraction mean?
Extra Mile:
Abstract this paragraph...
Here is how you get to the Cafe that we are meeting at for lunch. Go down the road and find your second left turn. Ignore this and move on to the third left turn next to the row of trees. Turn left down this road and walk towards the tall red post box. Ignore the shorter red post box. You need to go towards the tall one. Look right and you will see the cafe.
Activity 1
In cycle 7_2 you will have covered all of the ground work for this outcome. Please re-visit it if you need to refresh yourself.
Activity 2
Use a computational thinking problem solver sheet to solve this problem:
A teacher would like to know how long it will take him to mark a class set of books.
The program will need to:
Ask the teacher for the number of books that need to be marked
For each book in the class it should:
–Ask the teacher if he wishes to “tick and flick” or use “WWW and EBI”
–If the teacher wishes to “tick and flick” then each book will take 1 minute to mark
–If the teacher wishes to use “WWW and EBI” then it will take 5 minutes to mark each book
Once the teacher has gone through each book it should display the estimated number of minutes to the teacher
Activity 3
Create the solution using Scratch or Python. Test and improve your algorithm to make sure that it is efficient.
Activity 4
To achieve this outcome you need to be able to explain decomposition, abstraction and algorithms.
What does explain mean? When you explain something to somebody you should be very detailed and give causes or reasons.
Look back at the problem that you just solved and answer these questions:
- How did you decompose the problem?
- What abstraction skills did you use?
- How did you decide on your algorithm?
- What problems did you encounter when finding your solution?
It may help to discuss your answers with a partner because this will require some thinking through.
Your job is to teach someone else how to use Computational Thinking to solve a problem. You need to create a learning tool to support your teaching. The learning tool could be:
- An instructional video
- A presentation
- An animation
- A worksheet
- A step-by-step guide
Test your learning tool on a partner and evaluate the effectiveness of it.
Take 2 post-it notes and use them to peer evaluate two embed tasks completed by your peers.
Use WWW and EBI.
Leave the feedback with the computer.
Students may need to refresh themselves on Computational Thinking before starting this outcome. You can find all of this in Cycle 7_2.