WHAT: Use search technologies effectively
Activity 1 - READ
Search engines are pretty good at finding what you need within a few seconds. This is because data miners and search algorithms have improved greatly whist the Internet has evolved. We rely on search engines to bring us accurate and up-to-date information instantly.
Did you know that search engines had extra tools to make our searches even better?
This search for "cat with a melon on head" has produced 756,000 results in 0.70 seconds.
You have probably already noticed that you can choose to categorize your results by clicking Images, Videos, Shopping, News etc. But have you ever noticed the Tools option?
The tools option changes for each category of search. Watch the video below to see how it can be used:
- What happens to the images when the search options are changed?
Activity 2
- Carry out your own search
- Use the different tools available to you.
- Screenshot the differences into a document
- Explain what happens
- Write down how and why this might be useful to you
Activity 3
Download and print the worksheet below and complete the tasks.
- Imagine the Internet without search engines to help us find information. What would that be like?
- Can you predict what might happen in the future with search technology?
The embed task is to predict what might happen in the future with search technology. You could ask the class to get into groups and create a prototype device for real world searches.