WHAT: Compare different view layouts of Word documents and evaluate their purpose.
Activity 1 - READ
The view toolbar gives you different options when laying out your work. The most popular view layout is "Print Layout". This is usually the default layout when you start a new document.
Below are the other layout options:
Full Screen Reading Layout - The viewing area is maximized to enable the reader to read large amounts of text.
Web Layout View - View the page as it would like as a web page
Outline Layout View - View the key points of the word document, for example, the titles
Draft Layout View, view the essential text of the document for proof reading purpose. Certain elements are removed.
Activity 2
Examine the different view layouts in Word and decide when it might be a good idea to use each layout type.
Write your answers down in a word document.
You can find more information about view layouts on this website.
Create a presentation for university lecturers that shows how to use the different view layouts and when would be a good time to use them.
It may be better to demo this on the IWB so that you can go over it in a little more detail with the class.